Friday, September 20, 2013

about grad school

so an update on grad school.

So far so good, despite the fact that I got sick twice already.  I am extremely happy with where I am, with whom I am. It is easy to say this since the winter has not yet come, but we all know that "The winter is coming. It gonna be long".

I really like the people. I actually now enjoy going to my office, because I get to see some people I enjoy working with.  I actually wish I could collaborate with them in some future work. Great thing about Cambridge is that I just have more friends to hang out with here, and that actually makes a much larger difference than I anticipated.

I like the program. It is super flexible which is a big plus for me and I am only taking classes I am interested in. Fabulous class so far---I hope I can still say this after my first Matlab exercise. I had the great fortune of having Daniel as my TF. For one thing it is great that I can actually get to meet him regularly, for another, he is just so good at teaching, which is rare among grad students.

I really enjoy being a grad student. Yeah, I get paid very little--compared to the outside jobs. (This is answer to a question posed by some people how can academia pay so little without worrying it does not attract people). I feel I am learning interesting things everyday, and I get insights very often. I constantly have ideas, some are crappy, some are great. Among the great ones, I often find them already published. But there are survivors, and I look forward to working on them after I am done with coursework.

There is a lot I wish to write about, but I am a little behind on work due to my untimely and frequent sickness. But here is a list of things I am hoping to write about:
1. myopic tracking and incentive distortion.
2. internal consistency and rational expectation---when necessary?
3.  incentivized dogmatism
4. emperics is king.

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