Sunday, September 4, 2011

traditional advice

I have heard many pieces of advice, and about many traditional ways of life.

I have heard about high school--"high school is a nightmare; one just have to stay up late every night to catch up with work". It turned out not to be the case. I went to bed at 10 every night and had plenty of time so squander (though I should not have).

I have heard about senior year in high school--"senior year is the worst; one stays up and is always sleep-deprived, and yet one cannot finish the work and is always under stress". It turned out not to be the case either. Life in senior year was even kind of leisurely. I even had time to apply for schools abroad.

I have heard about college--"college is tough; one has so many papers to write and one simply cannot finish all the work he is supposed to do. One just pull all-nighters the day before the deadline and exams". It turned out not to be the case either. I never pulled an all-nighter or even stayed up beyond midnight. I did little if any reviews before exams.

Every time, I hear about some traditional ways of life, I got nervous and scared. I had cherished my own lifestyle and am afraid to give it up. I do not want to pull all-nighters; I do not want to be sleep-deprived; I do not want to cram for exams. But I forgot I had long been different. I simply do not live the traditional way of life. I learn the material in class instead of cramming before exams. I stay on schedule for my work (mostly) and I can finish my work in time. These are not what others have done. This should give me a sense of confidence when I proceed--I am different and I can keep my lifestyle in new circumstances as well.

This year should be no exception. I resolve to continue my lifestyle--keep exercising regularly, go to bed on time, and do not cram for exams--despite all horrible rumors about graduate school. I will also reject the traditional advice--just learn what is to be tested. No, I will learn for myself, and I am confident I will manage to do that.

Yet, I have to be cautious. No one likes the traditional life. Everyone is pushed to do that. It must be hard to deviate, and the higher I get, the harder it gets. Graduate school is full of smart people, if they have to resort to the traditional life, then there must be a reason. Confidence will encourage me to embrace the challenges, but caution will enable me to deal with the challenges.

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