Tuesday, September 14, 2010

recent things

This summer is horrible. Actually, not the summer perse but the consequences. After getting back from the summer, I feel so out of shape, and when I went tot the pool, today, I realized that I had to redo the whole torturing process of getting used to swimming. This is not the worst, after all, I can, after some time and with some effort, recover that strength. But the worst is in economics. This week, I have not generated any worthwhile ideas after reading the paper. I hve some random ideas from time to time, but the quality is significantly lower than last term's and when I actually present them, I do not feel convinced and lost interest even in presenting them in the first place. What has gone wrong with me?
I hope this is just a transitory thing, and no hysteresis is present. Hmm, maybe after reading some more thought provoking paper, I would be able to get some new ideas. Oh, yes, Love asked me to build a file on my ideas. Should do that when I have time, but it is kind of ironical for me, since I have little of value of keep track of right now.

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