Sunday, October 14, 2012

Translational musings 1

雁群休息时,必有一雁放哨,叫 雁奴,轮流担任,稍有异动,鸣叫示众。一人猎雁数次,皆无功而返。后想一法,径直奔雁群,待雁奴鸣叫后隐藏。群雁逃逸 数次发现无异情,迁怒于雁奴,后竟群而啄之。雁奴悲叹无语,待猎人再近,隐而不发,群雁死伤过半。世道亦如此,忠诚的被误解,被误解的不坚持。

There is one kind of geese that always travel in packs. Whenever they take a break, there will be a "guard goose" on surveillance--it will alert all the others when something is suspicious. One hunter failed hunt down a single geese after several trails. One day, he came up with an idea. He rushed to the geese, and after the "guard goose" sent the alarm, he hid himself. When the geese was alerted, they found no imminent danger. The hunter repeated this several times and the geese got angry at the "guard goose" and attacked it. The "guard goose" was sad but could not explain. When the hunter comes again, it kept silent--not surprisingly, the hunter got lots of geese. It is sad that the loyal get distrusted and the distrusted do not persist.

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