Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh when did this happen?

Bored during my preparation for my mid-terms, I stood up and looked at my bookshelf to find some interesting books to kill some time. I was shocked to find that there is no book other than economics book and mathematics book. When did this happen? When did I become a person I was so dreadful to be and so despised?

Sadly, I have entered the realm of specialization. A weak voice was justifying for me underneath. I am only here for one year, so I only brought very limited books with me. Yeah, but that is a choice. I made the choice, revealing that underneath, I have felt those other books are no longer an "integral part" of me and my life, at least for this year.

Now, the only source of non-economics stuff is probably the internet, where garbage abounds. I hate this trend. I can imagine myself working in front my laptop long time, doing maths and economics and little else. No, I do not want that. Where is the Wei who was interested in biology, Physics, history, politics and everything?!?!?! Don't be a econ-nerd! Don't be like *****! I want to be a human! I resist sad specialization.

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