Wednesday, November 3, 2010

moments of reflection

Life can be amazing in many ways. Looking back, the moment when I was at home, just walking with my parents can be so amazingly beautiful. I look back with nostalgia and I know that I am not an ambitious man.
I have attended lots of competitions in my last year of high school. Every time, I could go to the place myself, since it is in the city, but my papa will always accompany me there. When I was in the competition, he will be waiting outside, for hours. I am the least patient person in the world and I would never want to wait for anything, not even for a couple of minutes, even for the things I love a lot, at least not for hours. I once asked him why he would accompany me to every competition, he just told me that he enjoyed the conversation on the way, which has become a kuxury after I got into a boarding school and I became immersed with my work, dating and hanging out with friends.
Every weekend I will come home from boarding school. Every time I set out for school again, he will be with me again. I sometimes wondered has he ever experienced a moment of boredom on his way back alone? or a moment of disappointment when I have been silent the trip to school? I never know these answers and I wish I will never know. This way, I might not feel so guilty.
Love in silence.

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