Friday, October 8, 2010

True Legacy of Nobel Prize--Dynamite

I have always wondered why Nobel include Peace as part of the Nobel Prize. For me, it is like a joke, one needs nothing more than standing in the right side to win this prize, regardless of intentions and consequences. Unlike Physics, one does not need real talent and real break-through to win this restigious prize. I later heard that Nobel include peace prize because he want to compensate for the invention of Dynamite. That explains it all.
Dynamite is a great invention, but it is a double-edged sword. Used properly, it is extremely helpful in saving labor and just doing great things. However, used in the hands of the untrustworthy, this could be very destructive. I believe the Nobel Peace prize is exactly like dynamite. Used well, it can promote peach, used improperly, for example to serve the political interest of some nations and people, it could be more destructive than A-bomb, in that it could bring instability to countries.
In general, I do not trust human beings. Human beings are capable of doing great things, but more often than not, that capacity is overshadowed by selfishness, irrationality, stupidity, and biasedness. After all, we can witness rhetoric dominating over reason everyday.
I heard a Chinese won Nobel peace prize. I am not impressed. Frankly, I do not give a shit. After all, what really would matter is something more concrete. Winning awards in Physics, medicine , economics and so on might count. Bring a country to develop economically rapidly for 30 years might count.


  1. I'm curious which past Peace Prize winners you think were selected to advance a political agenda.

    1. Gorbachev, Dalai Lama,Teddy Roosevelt, Obama, Liuxiaobo, none of them deserve it.
